Executive Headshot

Preparing For Your Executive Headshot Session

In the business world, professionals have just 7 seconds to make a good first impression. In photography, we only get 3… Make your executive headshot photography matter! Often times, professionals connect with their customers through the web such as company websites, LinkedIn, Facebook and blogging. Your profile picture becomes your first impression and it is often times the first and only thing that viewers look at. For this reason, it is essential to portray yourself with a professional, personable and impactful executive headshot photography.


Drink a few glasses of water before you go to bed. Hydration improves the appearance of skin, decreases redness in the eyes and reduces the discoloration beneath them. Try to get well rested before your executive headshot photography. It is important to come to your executive headshot session feeling fresh and energetic. Eat a good breakfast. If you drink coffee enjoy a cup before your session. Be sure you are refreshed and alert.


Makeup should look simple, natural and practical. Bring the essential items that you carry often. Apply makeup exactly as you would for an interview or an important meeting. Take your time applying it and make it appear subtle. Bring a few shades of lipsticks and I’ll help you choose the best color for your executive headshot photography.


Wear a well-put together outfit that makes you look sharp, fits you right, and gets you compliments. A nice outfit portrays self-assurance, experience and personality. Fitted outfits define your posture. Slim fits enhance your physique. Tailored outfits express your individuality and always look great on camera. Pin stripes are my personal favorite.

Be sure that whatever you wear is freshly laundered. White dress shirts are universally accepted so they always work. If you prefer to wear a colored dress shirt then wear a color that you have been complimented on. Wear a color that brings out your eyes, compliments your complexion, or accentuates your personality. If you dress according to the seasons then watch your patterns. Avoid overly patterned shirts because they detract viewers.

Men, solid ties always photograph well. Solid bold colors portray power and strength. Solid light colors portray wisdom and balance. Patterned ties, when chosen effectively, will really bring out your personality. However, excess patterns will have the exact opposite effect. Avoid overly patterned ties, they can draw attention away from your face and can ruin a perfectly good headshot. What’s most important is to look well put together. The better your outfit looks, the more positive attention your photo will get.